Monday, April 8, 2013

Second Tooth

So Brantley lost his second tooth the first of March.  He was so excited that the tooth fairy was going to visit again!!

Instagram Update

So I've been horrible with getting out my SLR and have been using my phone most of the time and I've been using Instagram a lot more as well.  So I thought I'd post an update from our day to day lives via Instagram.
Lilley was pretending to be a donut head...Silly girl!

Cute hair

We got a lot of snow this winter and I really was tired of shoveling every day! 

Play date at the Kangaroo Zoo in Ogden.  The kids LOVED it!!!


At school Brantley's teacher performed a wedding for Q and U!  The boys dressed up as quarterbacks and the girls like queens.  They had a wedding celebration all day including a wedding cake....Can I just day we LOVE his teacher?!
Brantley's Valentine's day gifts he gave to his class mates.  They were made out of Rollo's and kisses. 

Dr. Seuss day at school.  His teacher dressed up as Thing 1 then half way through class changed to thing 2.  She didn't say a single word all day and played tricks on the kids through out the day.  It was hilarious!

Play date at Classic Skating.  I roller skated for the first time in more then 15 yrs.  So much fun!

Lilley and her new friend Kaylie at Classic


So we decided to put Brantley into snowboarding lessons this year for the first time and he did amazing!!  Although I really wasn't too surprised.  He really is a natural at any sport that requires balance and coordination.  He was lucky enough to have his wonderful aunt Bekah take him up to snow basin and put him into private lessons.  By the end of the season he was a going from his heal to toe edges, turning down the hill with only falling a couple of times and was ready for the bigger hills.  He loved every min of it!

Reading Medal

So back at the first of the year Brantley earned his kindergarten reading medal!  He had to pass off 65 books in order to earn this and he did it in 4 months.  We are so proud of you Brantley!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Christmas Day

Every year after we open up presents at home we head over the the St.Jeor's to open everything up from Grandma and Grandpa and have of coarse more food!!  After that this year was a little different then the norm.  Normally we head straight over the my parents house for more presents but this year we went home and hung out for a bit, took naps (much needed) and then headed over to the Huggins's for more presents and then dinner.  I unfortunately left my camera at the St.Jeor's and did not have it there!!  I was so mad!  So I guess this year we didn't get any pictures there.  (I'm still mad at myself for this).   Like always it was a great Christmas full of adventures, excitement and most importantly love.  I love my family and love the holidays and this year was awesome!

Christmas Morning

 Daddy giving the run down on what's going to happen and then saying Santa didn't come..haha!

 Can you tell he's excited?!

 The look on his face here is priceless!!  He just saw that Santa left underwear in his stocking!!

 She's a happy girl!
 And this is what Brantley did for most of the day

Oh Christmas morning...It's so magical!!  The kids had a blast and got everything that they wanted and more.  They are so fun to watch!  They are by far the best ages for Christmas.  I just love how excited they are and the joy in their little eyes.  

Christmas Eve 2012

 Not sure what is up with Brantley's smiles this night but they sure are cheesy! All dressed up and ready for the party! (Love it!)
 All of the grand kids minus Cody on the St.Jeor side
 Opening up their one and only present for the night...JAMMIES!!

Ending the night watching Christmas Vacation
So this year Christmas Eve was just like every year.  We head over to the St.Jeor's for an amazing dinner, open up the kids jammies and hang out tell it's time to go home to go to bed.  I just love this night.  The kids are all so excited and going crazy.  It is such a magical night!  I just love Christmas time and everything that goes with it.  Watching my two beautiful kids full of the Christmas spirit just makes it so much better and one of my favorite times of the year.