So, for Memorial Day, instead of doing what we normally do (go camping) we decided to stay home and relax all weekend long. It was so nice! Well, Justin sold his pit bike (since it was not being used hardly at all) so we decided to get this power wheels side-by-side 4wheeler for Brantley. We have been looking at them for a while and every time that we went to the store, he would sit in them and would not want to get out. It was so cute to see his face when he walked out into the garage after his nap and see that his "ide" was at his house! He stood there for a couple of seconds just looking at it and then he started asking if it was his! He did not believe that it was his. Then he started saying "MINE!!" We have not been able to get him out of it since. He is a natural at it. He rides it around the yard, street and sidewalk without running into anything, can put it in and out of reverse, and will actually pay attention to were he is going!