So our kids got spoiled this year!! It was so exciting to see them get so excited about Christmas. Brantley was so wired up the night before and so excited he could hardly stand it! Brantley keeps asking when it is going to be Christmas again and that he can hardly wait tell then. He's got a while tell then thankfully! Lilley was just too funny. Once she saw her wiggle car she wouldn't get off of it! She just kept riding it around the kitchen. We had to really convince her to open more presents. Oh and don't mind Lilley's nakedness. She has a problem with holding her pee in tell she sleeps and then pees all at night. When she was woken up she and her sheets where soaking wet. So she's naked!
Don't mind the had been played with and destroyed by now so it doesn't look the best
Brantley's face when he walked out and say everything
Lilley was so funny. She didn't know what to think tell she saw her wiggle car! So Excited!!!!
Every Girl loves jewelry right?
Brantley's loot from Santa and mom and dad. He got even more from Grandparents and Cousins!! He was spoiled for sure!
Lilley's loot from Santa and mom and dad. |