On Friday Brantley went in for his surgery and everything went really well. We had been talking to him about this all week long and what was going to happen, but he really didn't quite understand but he did a lot better then what I thought that he would. Once we got him in his gown and everything taken care of and after he had met all of the doctors and nurses, they wheeled him back in this wagon and Justin and I couldn't go with him. I was so nervous about this cause Brantley does not do well with people that he does not know but he didn't even cry when they took him. The doctor said that he was crying once they got him in the room and started giving him the gas to make him sleep, but that he did really good. The surgery took about 45 min and they put tubes in his ears, removed his adenoids and clipped his tongue since he was starting to talk with a lisp since he was tongue tied. The doc said that his adenoids were some of the biggest if not the biggest adenoids he had ever seen in such a young kid and his ears were full of fluid so it was a good thing that we did the surgery. Brantley was scared and confused after the surgery but once we got him to drink something he did a lot better so they let us go home after only 3 hrs. Once we got home, we thought that Brantley would be whinny and sleeping a lot for a day or two, but no not our Brantley. Once he fully woke up, he was up and ready to play. We had to really try and slow him down even with Codeine in him!!! He only complained about the pain when the drugs were wearing off. He has been such a trooper!! Now we hope that it makes a big difference. He is already asking what normal daily sounds are that he couldn't hear before so that's a good sign and his nose is running hardly at all! He is such a brave little guy.
Wow, what an ordeal for you to go through!!! Glad he handled it so well.
I am glad everything went so well. I know what it is like, not fun! He will do a lot better now.
He is so cute!!!
I am so glad that is all went well. He is a little trooper. I am really impressed that he is doing so well already.
I had no idea he had to have surgery, that is way scary! I'm glad he is okay! I remember getting tubes in my ears and that dreadful wagon they wheel you away on. Not fun for a kid!
I still can't believe how well he did with this.
I love the hospital gown. You know that you are obligated, as a parent, to take a picture of his naked behind blowing in the breeze with that on don't you?
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