So this year was a little different then normal. We went to the St.Jeors for dinner Christmas Eve like always (I forgot my camera so sorry I didn't get any pictures) but instead of heading home we went over to my parents to see cousins and open all of our gifts from my parents. They flew out Christmas morning to Florida for Andrew and Abby's open house for Abby's family and friends so we were not able to see them on Christmas. Brantley really liked it this way because he was able to open all of this presents from them that night. What kid wouldn't like that? Thanks Mom and Dad! The kids loved everything! We then headed home put out cookies for Santa and off to bed he went (mom and dad ended up staying up tell 1 putting things together). Brantley really surprised us and slept tell 8! I was really shocked since for the 3 previous nights he was having issues sleeping cause he was just too excited for Christmas!!! Hahahaha. He must have been so exhausted from the lack of sleep. Christmas morning to come on the next post!!!!
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