Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Family Pictures!!!!

So we FINALLY did family pictures this spring for the first time in 10 years!!  I know really crazy but lets face it...getting your pictures taken really isn't all that fun and I especially hate getting my picture taken.  Well, this experience was a lot different and really it was fun!  I hired an old friend of mine from high school to do it (she does an amazing job and I just LOVE her and her work.  She was great with the kids and so easy to work with).  Check her out here.  She lives in Oregon but travels to Utah frequently and I would highly recommend her to anyone!  I will treasure these pictures and they will be hanging all over my walls really soon!  These are just a few of my favorites (which is a lot). 


Emily said...

These are gorgeous!!

How fun!

Tiffany said...

soooo cute!! I love them.